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Heat Treatment Services

We, Inspection & Testing Engineers, are a well recognized service provider offering premium Heat Treatment Services. By these services, base metals are heated and cooled in a very controlled manner to modify their mechanical and physical properties, without changing the form of the product. Generally related with material strength enhancement, the offered treatments may also be utilized for the improvement of formability and machining. Most appropriate metals for heat treatment are steels as they react well to the fluctuation in temperature. We offer our Commercial Heat Treating Services by implementing the latest technology and by following the welding code if applicable.
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Steel Heat Treatment

Steel needs heat treatment for variety of reasons. Various heat treatment processes like Pre Heat, PWHT, Stress Relieving, Post Heating, etc. are required during or/and after or/and before welding. These processes help us attain proper hardness and other desirable properties.

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Pre Heating of Welding

Pre Heating of welding is done before start of welding and along with welding so that the temperature gradient is maintained constant and there is no sudden contraction and expansion of metal before and after welding. Pre Heating also referred to as PH also helps to improve weld ability of steel.

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Stress Relieving of Welding

STRESS RELIEVING HEAT TREATING (SR) is used to relieve stresses that remain locked in a structure as a consequence of a manufacturing process like welding.

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Welding Heat Treatment Services

Welding Heat treatment is done to improve the hardness properties of metals after welding or after applying any related process on metal parts. Resistance coil method is used by ITE to perform the Localized heat treatment,

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Post Weld Heat Treatment Services

Post Weld Heat Treatment or PWHT is done to get the desired metal properties on welded metal and parent metal after welding. Various stresses are induced due to welding and these stresses could be released by heating at proper temperature and for a proper duration.