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Magnetic Particle Inspection Course

Magnetic Particle Inspection Course

Product Details:


Product Description

Magnetic Particle Inspection Course is basically non harmful process of detecting the loop holes and defects in the surface of the end products. In order to detect the crater crack, it has to be oriented in the same direction as of magnetic field. This magnetic field is made up of the lines (magnetic) of force. In the cases when the defected are present in the surface these magnetic lines keep on exiting and re entering the end product, and this gives rise to opposite magnetic poles. Particles of magnet are applied as powder or even as liquids which are termed as magnetic. Magnetic particle's color should be in contract to color of the detected specimen to ease the detection. 90 degrees is the angle which has to be followed by the flux density and that summons the maximum sensitivity. Magnetic Particle Inspection Course can detect the defects that lie in the direction up to 45 degrees. Discontinuity at 90 degrees results out in differentiation of directions where the flaws are unrecognized.

Product details

Service Mode


Testing Current Type


Magnetization Material


Demagnetization Process

AC Demagnetization

Testing Type

Fatigue Crack

Product Type

Motor Shaft

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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Mobile number
